
Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

Frequently Asked Questions About SSDI

Managing the challenges of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be an intimidating task. Understanding the intricate process and numerous requirements involved in securing these benefits can be overwhelming for many individuals.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

What to Expect at Your Social Security Disability Interview

When faced with the daunting prospect of a Social Security Disability (SSD) interview, knowing what to expect can significantly ease your mind. An SSD interview, typically conducted at the local Social Security Office or over the phone, is a crucial step in your SSD claim process. It provides an opportunity for you to present your case.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

Can I Keep My House & Car If I File for Bankruptcy?

For individuals and families going through financial distress in North Carolina, filing for bankruptcy is among the promising options to get debt relief. However, specific rules address how bankruptcy works, the eligibility requirements, and the assets that consumers may sell or keep upon filing. A seasoned North Carolina bankruptcy attorney can answer your questions about assets that you can keep or sell when you file for bankruptcy.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

When Is Filing Bankruptcy a Good Option?

When overwhelmed with debts or going through financial difficulties, filing for bankruptcy is among the promising solutions to achieve debt relief. However, it is important to evaluate your current financial situation and understand your available bankruptcy options to be certain that you're making the right decisions.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

Yes, It Is Worth Fighting Your DUI Charge

Just because DUI charges are common doesn’t mean they aren’t worth fighting, even if you believe you were over the limit when you were stopped. Minimizing the impact of a DUI is the best strategy if you’re facing charges in Greenville or anywhere throughout eastern North Carolina, including the Outer Banks, Wilmington, Hyde County, and Washington County.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

DUI Myths & Misconceptions

All charges for drinking and driving in North Carolina are known as driving while impaired (DWI). Penalties for a DWI are assessed based on an evaluation of aggravating, mitigating circumstances and on a first-time DWI arrest.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

The Differences Between Chapter 7 & Chapter 13

The financial curveballs of life can strike suddenly and make it difficult for you to settle debts, pay bills, or meet your other financial needs. When facing financial distress, filing for bankruptcy – Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 – is among the promising options to achieve the financial relief or clean slate you deserve.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

Dispelling Bankruptcy Myths

Bankruptcy is often referred to as the “B” word. It is a topic spoken about in hushed tones and dark corners, but it is not a sign of failure. For those who stand little chance of ever getting their financial life back in control, bankruptcy does exactly what it was created by law to do. It gives people a fresh financial start, and there is nothing to be ashamed about taking responsibility for your choices and working toward making wiser ones in the future.
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Cannon Law Offices, PLLC

How to Prepare for Bankruptcy

No matter how hard you work or how well you plan, it’s impossible to foresee the financial challenges that life has in store for you. While you can’t predict the future, you can control what steps you take toward financial relief.
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